Electronics Design Services

Electronic Hardware Design Services

For Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) companies, India is said to be an emerging destination for engineering outsourcing and as a consequence, design & engineering work for numerous projects from around the world are now being implemented in India. Firms in this sector tend to face the challenge of collating disconnected pieces of data spread across the firm to extract actionable intelligence required to achieve operational intelligence.

Circuit hardware designing                                                                 Software development
PCB layout/manufacturing                                                                  Material procurement
Bill of material/circuit diagram                                                          Manufacturing
Firm ware development                                                                        Assembly
Prototype development for PCB ‘s / assemblies                       Testing & packaging
Automated test Rigs Development                                                Simulator development for product testing(Portable & Table Top )


Our Design Process

How Does Our Electronic Design Service Work?
1. Design requirement Specifications:

 The client must provide us with detailed specifications regarding the design requirements (technically known as “design specifications” or “specs”). We welcome agreements where some clients require a confidential non-disclosure agreement to be signed to enable them to disclose the details of the design, given that, they are fair and acceptable. It would be ideal if the client can provide detailed information about the design needed as possible. We understand that not all clients have a sound knowledge about the technical details and terms involving the design. In such a scenario, we can convert their requirements from plain English to technical specifications.We also suggest improvements/amendments to the design by which it can be made even more efficient or for the further optimization of manufacturing/design costs.

2. Price Quote provision For The Design:

After examining the design specifications we will analyze the number of working hours involved, the number of engineers to engage in the design process, resources required, the estimated time for completing the design etc. Then we will get back to you with a price quotation for the design. After the clients find the price quote acceptable and place the order for the product design, we begin the actual work of electronic design service.

 3. The workflow of our electronic design service:

 Given is the brief workflow of our electronic design service process. Click on the image for a better view.


Features Of Engineering Design

  • Information about Electronic components
  • Getting to know the Electronics Project Design Flow
  • Knowledge of Schematic Design techniques
  • Information on PCB Design techniques
  • Personal work Experience with Live Projects